Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I can now confirm that being two-boxed (twin-boxed?) is just as deadly as being quad-boxed. Fortunately i will have 150 marks tomorrow.

That is all.

No wait... Lui has been getting mad upgrades and her GS is no longer fail. I guess i'll have to start working on Fyre some more. Raiding and doing heroics yesterday has already gotten me nearly to full of VP for the week. I got some sweet new pants, too.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

MC Raider

Yesterday i was with the guild farming trash in FL not once...but twice. In addition i soloed MC, finally completing every raid in Vanilla.

Incidentally, every time i see FL i still think of Flame Leviathan and mentally shake my fist at him for never giving me any chopper parts.

Monday, August 29, 2011 in all 50 states

So last night in the Regrowth and onward into the Molten Front a quad-boxing team of ele shamans kept camping us hordees who were trying to do dailies. Yes, i use a PVP server, that's where my sister's home was when i started rolling characters, and if we were going to play together that was the place to be. But in these areas it has been an unspoken understood that no pvp was going to be going on. I think this is nice considering how challenging the Isle dailies were at first, when i was constantly getting ganked only to change which quest i was working on, be followed, and ganked some more. In that case it was a stunlocking shadowmelding rogue that could eventually be defeated if we got enough guildees together. In this case? 5/5 Vicious Gladiator x 4.

I opened a ticket after dying about 10 times. (S)he kept stealing my kills or killing me just before completing an objective. They weren't technically camping me so much as slaughtering anything and everything that moved. Even with multiple hordees fighting back, we had no hope. Four Lava Bursts to one character = instant death. And if you weren't the focus of this, your dps wasn't even making a dent. The biggest annoyance about this was not having to watch four draenei moving in unison, casting in unison, or three draenei following a fourth. It is that Blizzard considers this to be legal. Sure, if you want to devote all of your time to gearing yourself up season after season, go for it, but some of us have a life, not to mention budget constraints. My "gaming" computer that was sold to me as "more than enough" for WoW can barely handle running one version of the game, let alone four, because it has a horrible graphic/video card. I have no way of competing. I'm not very good at PVP to begin with, i prefer PVE. I think running on a PVP server is more realistic in many ways, but at the same time...if you were running around in France during WWII as an Allied soldier and saw a random Nazi minding his own business, would you instantly decide that he needed to die? Maybe i'm alone in this when i say no.

I understand that a lot of people love to PVP, and that is why it's in the game. But...when i can't even defend myself, it doesn't feel fair. When i'm fighting something else when i'm killed, i still take the 10% armor reduction, even when that mob stays alive and is then killed by the same quad boxer...and the real reason for my death had nothing to do with the mob at all.

Am i just being a sore loser? I can see quadboxing old content (overkill for some of it), but in a non-Arena, non-BG environment, is this fair? Any time i see Loli running around, does this mean i might as well just log on to another character for half an hour?

The Draenei team:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kara screenshots

Image intense 200th post...

i < 3 Kara

Yesterday afternoon some guildees started putting together a ICC run that ended up falling through. I was still in a raid with two offline members, so i decided to make the most of it and attempt to solo some BC raids.  I had been debating with myself of a couple of days on whether i wanted to go BM and tame a Spirit Beast.

Why?  Well a couple of days ago i was trying to solo UtP again (my choices of where to go next for mounts are getting thinner now that i'm exalted with Sha'tari Skyguard) and i still cannot solo the first boss.  I always die, usually with Kill Shot up and with her at about 5% health.  The braziers and phase 2 are what do it to me.  Maybe if i feigned death at the right time...but i don't know what that time would be.    Bandages and pots are insufficient, i need to have heals, just one or two would be enough.  So the question become survivability.  Iorek doesn't do enough damage to get me out, with Sneux it's a close thing that doesn't always happen.  So the only thing i could figure was Spirit Mend.  Then i discovered that Chimera Shot heals.  I haven't been MM since BC, but i ran as that for a long time, a lot longer than i did as BM (even when that was "the" raid spec, i opted to be the SV hunter, even though i didn't really have "enough" agility for Expose Weakness to be a viable raid buff).

So yesterday i went duel spec finally (last time i had checked it cost 1k g to train!  When did it become 10g?) and built a soloing/pvp build.  Which is crazy because i always thought that SV was the pvp build with its trap bonuses that i never spec into, but apparently MM and BM enthusiasts are insistent that their way is best.

I no longer have any t5 and i'm still getting raid geared for Cata.  I couldn't survive Mag and couldn't get past the High King in Gruul's.  Kara, however, was a completely different story.  I one-shot everything up to Netherspite.  I couldn't solo NS because Sneaux can't take the beams so NS would heal to full while i had fatigue.  I don't have the burn to take her down before the second phase 2.  The only thing i can think of at this point is to try tanking in melee range.  This seems ludicrous, but if i'm taking all three beams at once...i don't know.  I tried to solo chess, but the first cheat (fire on the floor) occurs while i'm still stuck behind pawns that have yet to be slaughtered.  So i can't solo that, either.  Basically it looks like i can clear Kara up to NS.

Later in the evening the ICC raid was rebooted and i now have a LK kill under my belt and some achievements to boot.  My dps is lame compared to everyone else in the raid, but we beat the rocket ship with only two jet packs (yeah i accidentally started it when i went to the wrong npc and didn't read the text fast had been a while since i was in ICC once before /facepalm).

Screenshots are forthcoming.  I really gotta feed the pets and myself.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011


The irony of WoW announced transmorgification is that i have always been nostalgic about the tier gear and other raid drops that i earned.  If there were any way possible, i would still have all of those old pieces.  I had four pieces of (new Naxx) Crypstalker and tier 4 and 5 that it seems so wrong that i was forced to delete.  But even more than that...i have always felt a strong pull towards Vanilla content.  I've seen a lot of t1 and t2 pieces that went the same way.  But nothing gets to me more than the fact that as soon as i hit 60 i started looking at tier gear and fell in love with the original Crypstalker set.  I would have loved to get that set, attuned for Naxx, was chomping at the bit to get into there, but i only did once and we couldn't down any of the bosses because we couldn't find a large enough group.  There's gear that isn't in the game anymore that i would kill to have.  I can't even get into a group that can full clear MC (went once, fell apart with two bosses left), have never been to the Sunwell...but those pieces are still in the game.  For an instance that i came to know intimately at the beginning of Wrath, i regret that i no longer have those pieces of Crypstalker, but i still want the original deal.