Monday, August 22, 2011


The irony of WoW announced transmorgification is that i have always been nostalgic about the tier gear and other raid drops that i earned.  If there were any way possible, i would still have all of those old pieces.  I had four pieces of (new Naxx) Crypstalker and tier 4 and 5 that it seems so wrong that i was forced to delete.  But even more than that...i have always felt a strong pull towards Vanilla content.  I've seen a lot of t1 and t2 pieces that went the same way.  But nothing gets to me more than the fact that as soon as i hit 60 i started looking at tier gear and fell in love with the original Crypstalker set.  I would have loved to get that set, attuned for Naxx, was chomping at the bit to get into there, but i only did once and we couldn't down any of the bosses because we couldn't find a large enough group.  There's gear that isn't in the game anymore that i would kill to have.  I can't even get into a group that can full clear MC (went once, fell apart with two bosses left), have never been to the Sunwell...but those pieces are still in the game.  For an instance that i came to know intimately at the beginning of Wrath, i regret that i no longer have those pieces of Crypstalker, but i still want the original deal.

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