Sunday, February 17, 2008

i finally caved in...

...and watched Serenity. It was better than i was expecting. i didn’t watch Firefly (the pilot irritated me, so i shut it off, not to mention the fact that i was still mad about it taking over Dark Angel's slot) but when i saw the preview for the movie i was intrigued. i didn’t know who she was at the time, but it was Summer Glau that pulled me in. She is an absolutely awesome actress, and i love watching her on the 4400 and now the Sarah Connor Chronicles. i predict that her career is going to go somewhere. She's quickly becoming one of my favorite actresses to watch.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Economist (spoilers if you missed it)

wth? Has Sayid become an assassin? He certainly knows how to negotiate himself off the Island, promising to recover Charlotte is now a veritable certainty. We now know who 4 of the Oceanic Six are: Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid. I assume that Sawyer is one, because of comments that Kate made to Jack in last season's finale, and i wager that Juliet is the sixth.

Act 1
MICHAEL is in the credits. i get the distinct impression that Sayid is not with Nadia and that he's working for Abaddan. The episode's title seems to point to the blonde's boss being Sayid's ultimate target. Jack doesn't look to Kate as his go-to girl anymore: he goes to Juliet. But he did have something else that he wanted Kate to do, so is he trying to stay on Kate's side while publicly displaying his preference for Juliet? Or did he not trust Juliet with Sayid still? Or maybe with Ben?

Act 2
What's going on with the experiment? i feel like i missed something. The Others left laundry still on the clothesline. i CANNOT believe that they locked Hurley in a closet. i think that Jacob is more likely to be talking to Hurley in the near future than he is to be talking to Locke. i feel like Locke has totally lost his way... ever since the hatch blew up i don't understand him.

Act 3
"Oh great, the ship sent us another Sawyer." rofl
So... the Island is 31 minutes off in time?
What's that black poster in the wall in Ben's room? Looks like a star map or some such (overlaid with a map of the Island? Are things on the Island laid out like they are in the sky?).
A bookcase hiding a doorway... to a closet full of men's clothing. AND CASH, passports, all with Ben's photos: how Alias of him.
HURLEY WAS IN ON IT!?!?!?!? what in the world?!?!?!?

Act 4
Sawyer doesn't want to go back to civilization... he wants to marry Kate.
Ben looks awful.
What's the list about? And why does that girl have the same bracelet as Naomi?

Act 5
Desmond getting off the Island does not include him as one of the Oceanic Six: he wasn't on the flight. For that matter, i guess Juliette leaving the Island wouldn't make her one of the Six, either, so the question still remains... who are the last two members of the Oceanic Six?
Somehow i knew it was Ben that was waiting for Sayid, but i cannot think of any reason that Sayid would be working for Ben. If it weren't for the fact that we know that Sayid is alive and off the Island in the future then i would be very nervous about his being on the helicopter with Frank and Desmond.

Confirmed Dead repeat (live)

Right now a repeat of last week's episode is on with little trivia tidbits sprinkled throughout. I'm at the beginning of act two, where Mr. Miles "Ghost Whisperer" no last name is talking to an empty teenagers room and making off with a big was of cash. Interesting facts about Act I... The woman in Daniel's house is not his wife, it's a caretaker. Daniel Faraday is named in honor of Michael Faraday, a physicist who investigated electromagnetism and gravity. His comment about light is supposedly a clue about the properties of the Island... i'm lost.

Ben is still getting under everyone's skin, and it's interesting to see him finally using his silver tongue out in the open.

Who expected to see Sayid and Juliet teaming up? Only a couple of days ago he was insisting that he and Sawyer be allowed to get answers out of her (actually, it's rather interesting that Sayid and Sawyer were working together, too. You have to remember, season one is years ago to us, but it's only a couple of weeks ago to the castaways).

Interesting to observe... Ben riles Sawyer by talking about Kate. Jack and Juliet have little moments together. Hurley and Sawyer may become best friends next.

Act 3
Charlotte is named after C.S. Lewis (wow, Chronicles of Narnia reference) and seems to know something about Dharma and polar bears being in deserts where they shouldn't be. Miles' sarcasm is actually refreshing compared to Charlotte's false niceness and feigned interest in the castaways. I like Charlotte better than Miles, she has guts (she dove head first into unknown waters for instance), but she just seems a bit socially awkward. She knows what she wants and she goes for it, acting polite just seems fake.

Act 4
Greg finally gets a name! Seth Norris married his high school sweetheart at 19: verrrrry interesting. Frank feels guilty that he wasn't flying the plane when it crashed, and Seth died as a result. i miss Greg Grunberg (he's why i started watching Heroes, plain and simple) and hope we get more info on Seth. Well, time for the new ep! Good thing Charlotte was wearing a bullet proof vest lol... or is it?

Act 5
Abaddan is the guy who visited Hurley, and apparently hired the rescuers. Naomi refers to Charlotte as a head case (hm... another crazy?). Frank knows the manifest by memory and that Juliet is a "native"... which is what they called the people Ben joined. Ben doesn't know what the Black Smoke Monster is, apparently, but he does know who Charlotte is (and presumably the rest of the team).

Who was flying the helicopter that Naomi bailed out of? How many people are on the freighter and who is the "man" on the boat??? Is the name of the boat Rescue? Are Michael and Walt aboard? New ep is starting now.

It occurred to me halfway through this ep (this second viewing) that our impressions of these rescuees/searchers for Ben are probably going to be vastly different in the future. For instance, when Mr. Friendly was introduced he originally seemed very menacing, but when Sawyer finally killed him... it was a shock for me in a way because i knew i would actually miss him. i am wondering what is wrong about anyone wanting to find Ben, but also what's so special about him.

Friday, February 08, 2008

save the 4400

i've been working hard on a paper for school, so i haven't had time to post on Lost yet (though i have seen it). i just wanted to mention the cancellation of the 4400 and i hope that the show can be saved. Sign the Petition or find out where to send sunflower seeds. i can't wait to see what happens next.