Saturday, October 31, 2009

yay! hulu is even more my friend!

Remember how i said that the end of Inu-Yasha was lame because it had no closure? Well the manga was apparently still going strong even after the anime was canceled and has continued to gain support. A new show, Inu-Yasha: the Final Act, has just started airing with 26 new episodes to finish out the story, and according to this article--Inu Yasha Final Act Simultaneous Release Planned--they're dubbing the English version at the same time and releasing it on Hulu. So i need to start watching it before it's replaced with later eps!

What's funny about my experience with anime is that i prefer Inu-Yasha in English (it was my first anime, and the Japanese voices just don't sound right to me), while Vandread and Full Metal Alchemist i would usually try to watch in Japanese and subtitled, but would watch both ways. i'm thinking about taking Japanese next fall.

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