Saturday, August 11, 2012

biting the bullet

I was just out of town for nearly two weeks on vacation and didn't get to play much in the week leading up to the trip.  Well i have been semi-keeping up on WoWInsider but i haven't been playing nearly as much as i would like to.  But i have been excited about the Mists release date...which is later than i expected but still super soon.

So i know that i said i wasn't going to be paying for anything until the beta was fixed...but that was when i was really mad in May.  It's been ages now.  I'm over it (even though the people at Blizz were super unhelpful and in no way professional when they were cancellingmy tickets without even properly addressing them or trying to help at all) and am whipped.  I want to play a panda and i am excited about some of the hunter changes i've been reading about even if i still feel screwed over as a hunter and as a shaman.  It may be stupid but i paid for the digital edition (addition? lol) today.

I am fully aware at this juncture in my gaming career that i am probably going to regret doing this, but i'm sticking with the game at least until Christmas (at least, that's when i'm paid up to).  If they let me down, if they screw me over even more, so help me i am quitting for good.  But with much regret.  Yeah, don't quote me on that.  They own me, unfortunately.  Ho hum.

ETA:  Wow that sounded depressing.  I still love leveling.  I always miss old content from the good old days (well...BC, as i wasn't around during vanilla).  My issues are with the fact that i am on a low pop server that i love and have no wish to leave but that has been ravaged post-BC.  I can't find a guild where i fit and most of the people i used to hang with have left the game.  No one has room for me in their raids and i have been forced to become a more casual player than i'd really like.  Yes, i dream of not having to work and being able to play 24/7.  Actually, i would get bored of that very quickly, but to have that kind of time to be able to play, write, etc., would be completely awesome.  Unfortunately i have to work post-graduating from college for very obvious reasons.

As a frequenter of heroics i can tell you that i don't hate the content, i hate the fact that most PUG tanks are complete idiots and jerks (arrogance seeming to be a pre-requisite) and most dpsers are completely ignorant to the point of taking noob to new levels.  I was once a newb, i have always tried to help them as much as possible, but these people don't want to be helped.  They want to get through content as quickly as possible whereas most of the time i would much rather savor the experience.

There's something that's been lost...a sense of danger.  These kids just walk up to a boss and slap them across the nose.  I remember a time where it felt scary to enter new areas, where there was strength and safety in numbers.  Heck, i remember what it felt like to go to UC the first time (from SMC).  I ported, looked around at the locale, and freaked out.  I was sure that it had to be somewhere dangerous and my newb self did not feel prepared to handle it.  I don't think that i even had a pet yet.  Everything feels much safer now, smaller, contained, tamed.  I'm not sure that i like the direction that this x-pac is taking, but if Garrosh gets supplanted by Sylvanas or Vol'Jin then i will be okay, otherwise what the frak.

The only reason it makes sense (to me) to get rid of Thrall is so that the Horde will attack Theramore and that doesn't make any sense to me at all.  Wrong enemy entirely.  Jaina has been a friend to us, our ally/ambassador to the humans.  Why would you piss her off?  She's not the opposite of Sylvanas at all (though that's how she's been portrayed in certain raids/dungeons).  It's not that she isn't's that she's a sleep dragon.  Only a fool would wake a dragon up on purpose.

Anyways...mixed feelings.  I don't like feeling that something i have been faithful to for years is thumbing their nose at me rather than being faithful back.  Maybe they don't care because they have a constant stream of incoming players, but the original base has thinned out enough without them actively trying to push us out.  So they better come through for me is all i'm saying.

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