Sunday, April 29, 2012

Violet Proto-Drake!!!

Mount #102 - Violet Proto-Drake
received upon finishing Children's Week Achievements

I want to mention that i couldn't have done this without the help of my friend Reaper and his buddy Dassip.  Reaper and i were in bgs for about six hours trying to finish School of Hard Knocks, EotS being the hardest for me.  I am usually on D so when i'm the only person in the entire bg not in the center it was a little problematic.  I can't hold a tower and carry a flag at the same time. xD  Unless my friend brings it to me, of course.  But in the end we were in a group that seemed to have some idea how to win the bg, and i was on O when he captured the flag.  I capped it, people complained that it wasn't a good time to get it, and i proceeded to remain on D the rest of the EotS, which we finally won.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mounts 100 and 101

Mount #100 - Swift Burgundy Wolf
(along with my new Tirisfal Batling)

Mount #101 - Red Dragonhawk
(with my Dragonhawk pet, Ruin, and my Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Where's Anzu?

So tonight i received a bit of a shock.  I used The Last Relic of Argus and was teleported to Hellfire Peninsula.  So i thought "might as well kill Anzu."  So i flew over to Sethekk Halls and pwned nearly everything in sight, dinging exalted with Lower City in the 35th exalted reputation incidentally.  What i found perplexing was the fact that Anzu was nowhere to be found.

Here Iorek and i are, hoping to see the Reins of the Raven Lord drop, but the old trash is there instead of Anzu.  What the Frak?

ETA:  Some other people have mentioned the same issue on WoWhead.  Their fix was to switch to Normal mode, then back to Heroic.  This worked for me.

No mount drop, grr.  I'm a gonna kill him...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

back to Argent Tournament dailies...

 Mount #98, Great Golden Kodo

I've been doing a lot of archaeology lately but with no luck at getting mounts to proc.  In Kalimdor i usually have 4 night elf digs up (this is where i hang out usually because i want the Tol'vir mount, if not the fossil mount as well).  In the Eastern Kingdom all the digs are usually Troll, sometimes Dwarf.  The other night i was having a good run with Tol'vir digs showing up 2-3 times in a row, but my luck didn't hold and i'm currently working on the non-combat pet (Thing-like hand).  That's all well and good i suppose, but 150 pieces before i can get another project which, statistically speaking, is most likely to be that silly mosaic again.  For the record i have completed at least eight of those nelf music boxes.

I'll probably have another Argent Tournie mount tomorrow...the dailies are finally somewhat doable, but those commanders still give me trouble.  Still, i'm not pulling my hair out over the dueling, it's been long enough for me to stomach it again, so we'll see if i can stomach it long enough to get all of the mounts out of there...or at least some non-combat pets.  My friends did the bat-run in Kara without me so i never got that pet, and i really, really wanted it at the time.  I have no idea why.  But i could afford to do it right now, it's just that i really want that Violet Proto-Drake to be my hundredth mount.  I think i want that mount more than i want the dragonhawk.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Violet proto-drake, here I come

First off, I decided against collecting 500 eggs for a white plainstrider. After finishing the holiday's other achievements it simply felt too horrific to imagine.

Secondly, I have been having a horrible time getting the mop or d3 betas to download. Hopefully I have finally managed it with mop (it's downloading right now). I started a thread on the beta forum which really seems to be a glorified blog post at this point.

Thirdly, I am very eager for children's week. Can anyone guess why?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Beta invites!

Last night I was happy to discover that I had finally received a MoP beta invite. I downloaded Mists while working on my taxes (which normally would have been done a month or two ago) and watching some movies I rented from Red Box. Over the next few hours I was disappointed to run into numerous crashes.  So far as I can tell, I was never able to download more than the first 3%. There are similar reports of dls crashing at 10% at the forums so I'm pretty sure it's not just me and hopefully it will be resolved soon.

Last night I also received a D3 beta invite. I'm not sure why I was so surprised about this...there was never any guarantee of it, for one, and I was never invited to the wrath or cat invites...which was part of the reason it took me a while to come to cat, I think. I haven't tried installing D3 yet but from what I understand there are issues there right now, too.

I'll try to post some updates as soon as possible...assuming I can actually get the game to patch, of course.

ETA: After doing some research on the forums I have discovered in a blue post that "The Launcher is closely tied to Internet Explorer settings." Why??? Who uses IE in the 21st century? It's crap. No wonder the stupid Launcher doesn't work, I haven't updated IE in forever because it's optional and I don't use it. So guess what I'm downloading right now? An update for crap.

ETA2:My Launcher is currently at 5%!  I deleted everything again and tried a couple of different directories with a result of no download at all (0% for an extended period of time).  I have no idea whatsoever why it's working now.  I haven't restarted my computer to complete the crap update and i turned my Firewall and Anti-Virus off after my first attempt last night, so that isn't the issue (no matter what the blue post says).  It's inexplicable.  However, if i do run into the same issues as last night i am going to try to delete the "corrupted" file from now on instead of deleting everything and starting from scratch all over again.  I'm not sure i'm willing to edit .dll files in notepad but i do want to get this downloaded tonight...even if i won't have a chance to play it until tomorrow night because i'm opening at work in the morning.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Still waiting for a Mists beta invite

I was rather annoyed that i hadn't gotten an invite and then i realized that i hadn't set up my beta profile up.  Last xpac the stinking program never worked (it always had an error message and didn't sent my info to Blizz) but now my profile is up to date and maybe i can get an invite soon.  I can hope, right?  I hear that the monk lvling experience isn't polished yet but the Pandaren lvling zone is.  I can hardly wait to test some stuff out, whether it be rolling a panda or testing the new hunter skills.

Off to find some strange trip is pretty close to the end i think.  Come children's holiday...

Sunday, April 01, 2012

A Rose by any other name...

So i like to have character or pet names that say something about me.  I don't really roleplay but i do see my characters as a sort of extension of myself, perhaps upping a part of my personality that i don't really allow myself to fully display or explore.  Of course it's not really that deep but yeah, i put some thought into names when rolling a new character.  This often involves nonsense spelling variations or foreign words.  Sometimes  it's just a pop-culture reference (with my pets moreso than my toons).