Monday, March 19, 2012

MoP and mount #97

Okay, so i've been reading the info on WoW Insider and i must admit that i'm pretty psyched about the new xpac.  I've been reading articles lately about how people generally play the race and class that fit their personality.  Well i really don't feel like i'm a blood elf.  I'm not a drug addict and i'm not model-thin and addicted to pretty things like pink.  In a way my personality probably fits better with the Alliance...only i totally can not bring myself to play Alliance.  I finally leveled two characters to 65ish (partially with the help of a friend and because he wanted to do it) but it just felt so wrong.

But reading about the Pandaren...they sound like oriental/asian Hobbits, and that sounds very much me.  I think i may be in love.  I cannot wait to roll a monk and may just have to roll other classes, too.  I wish i could play Horde and be friends with Koi-people, too.  But stampede sounds awesome, like the most exciting thing to happen for hunters in a long time.

In other news i used Raid Finder for the first time today (at the urging of an old guildee) and my net connection still cannot handle 25 man raids.  My graphic card didn't crash or anything, but i kept getting dced.  What bothers me is that this card can obviously handle good without overheating but the framerate is horrible.  I am not sure if this is because of my connection or addons, i really need to experiment more.  But it stinks to have a new card that still can't handle the content and let me see the vistas this game has to offer.

And now announcing the acquisition of mount #97...Drake of the West Wind.  I can't take a screenshot of it where i bought it because there are no flying mounts allowed anywhere in Tol Barad.  So i took some screenshots by the portal to TB in Org still turned down from trying to raid.
Three more to go.  I keep trying the usual places, have been fishing up a storm, but no luck so far.  I really want the arc Battle Tank and fishing Sea Turtle but at this point i just want the achievement to be done.  I don't think i'm going to be too picky about these last three mounts.  Well....picky enough to not go grind some more Argent Tournament rep. /shudder

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