More than anything else in the world of WoW, i think i am most proud of my titles. Why? Titles usually take some effort. Titles let other players know that you've been working your fingers off until you're blurry eyed and sleep deprived. Titles have power, there aren't that many in the game (though the number is growing). Some titles come with mounts, non-combat pets, or tabards. My titles are as follows:
Luinel, Champion of the Naaru
i wish i would have finished the Hand of A'dal quest line before Wrath went live, all i needed was the drops off the final bosses in the Eye and SSC, but i never was in a guild that got that far. Both titles have long, involved quest lines that i spent a lot of time soloing to complete (except for one summoned "boss" that i asked a shaman in my guild to help me with).
Luinel the Explorer
Super easy, seeing this above my head always makes me think of Dora.
Ambassador Luinel
This was completed before becoming a Champion of the Argent Tournament, and i am rather proud of that. i completed all the starting zone quests in Tirisfal Glades, Durotar, and Mulgore, did a little questing in the Barrens, and ultimately got the rest of the way by turning in about fifteen Perfect Yeti Hides and completing two last quests to kill nagas in the sea off Desolace.
Luinel the Argent Champion
i was already exalted with the Argent Crusade through running heroics with my tabard on, so i put on my Seal of the Dawn on and ran Strat three times, finally acquiring the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire on my last run. i even avoided trash as much as possible, only killing what i agrod and what needed to be killed to get to the Baron... the mount never dropped.
Luinel, Guardian of Cenarius
Once again, i was already exalted with the Cenarion Expedition merely from questing in Zangarmarsh and grinding a bit for the Nethercleft Leg Armor pattern back when i was a leatherworker. i was also already on my way with the Cenarion Circle because i ran AQ20 and AQ40 with Vitality shortly after the merge. To finish this i did a little questing in the area, mainly the quests in Hive'Regal for Combat Badges and killing Twilight Cultists for Encrypted Twilight Text and Twilight Trappings (which enable you to summon an elemental, which drops an Abyssal Crest. i got my rep from honored to exalted in just over two days. It was far easier to grind this rep than i expected.
Luinel the Flame Keeper
i finally completed all of a holiday's achievements: i tried so hard for Hallowed and Love Fool, but alas they simply were not meant to be.
i'm sure that i have at least one more title, but i'm too tired to remember what it is at the moment. As soon as i can log in again i'll see it and be like "duh!" and will update this post to reflect this moment of brain dead ditziness.
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