Thursday, May 21, 2009

bleeping Grey's finale

i hate that i like this show so much, people call it a stupid soap opera... but i know that's not true. These characters, maybe this season more than ever, have been moving forward. They have extramarital sex, their lives are their careers, but they love each other, they are family. Watching the finale tonight... i just got so irritated with everyone for bad mouthing George during an anonymous guy's surgery, and then... as it turned out... John Doe was George. i was crying and so not ready for that, nothing in the episode prepared me for that twist at the end, even while a part of my mind knew that there was something wrong.

i am so sick of being inundated with the war of the sexes, with homosexuality (but who knew Arizona would be pro-military?), with people being firm and knowing that they're right when all they're doing is hurting themselves and others. i don't know what to do, my life is a mess, all my fighting is getting me nowhere, but i am trying, i am trying not to complain, to have faith, when all i want to do is scream that soul mates and love and happily ever after is a bunch of b.s. because it's never going to happen for me. i thought i had it, and now he's changed, now he just wants to use me for a shoulder to cry on when he's drunk, and i can't help but still love him and i can't not answer the phone and i can't stop praying for him and it just makes me miserable. Not everything in life is about "me," one cannot always put him or herself first.

George O'Malley is my hero.

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