Tuesday, September 23, 2008


So Charley threw out his Bible... one that was old fashioned KJV, probably with Large Print and Red Letters, lol. i doubt that he read that Bible very often, i'm not sure why he would be mad at God when it was his own fault that they got into that mess. i am not lamenting his wife's death in the slightest, i feel bad that he was torn between her and Sarah, but she wasn't exactly nice or pleasant. However: i wouldn't have stopped the van. The faster you can get to the hospital, the more likely she is to survive.

How did Lazlo track them down, anyway? He wasn't following them at a close distance, they had been at that gas station for several minutes before they pulled up. The entire thing was very implausible.

Has Ellison fallen for Weaver's story? Will he be a double agent, or stay as far away as possible?

It's a good thing that Machines sink.

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