Wednesday, September 24, 2008

not again!

Every time i want to get on the PTR i can't because i have to download another patch! This one is small, but it's taking forever, which is probably for the best because i really need to do some laundry and cleaning and (gasp!) homework. But i really want to get on and test out my shot rotation (hopefully they fixed the bug that put Arcane Shot and Explosive Shot on the same cd) and see how much damage my pets are putting out. i think i'm going to get rid of my wind serpent before too long because i don't really care for her and my list of pets is getting to be too long...

Sneaux (cat dps)
Eiheikana (crab tank)
Periwinkle (moth, hopefully will do well in aoe fights such as Naj'entus)
Serenity (wasp, armor penetration is good for raids! i may change the name)
unnamed/untamed (bear cub available in Wrath, looks cute and i want to have a mini tank)

So that's five pets (screenshots may be forthcoming), shoving out my pet that does less dps because he's always out of focus, even with Bestial Discipline and Go for the Throat. Sorry Thulug, but i can only have five pets and you aren't pulling your weight. If one of my other pets doesn't work out, i'll tame you again, cuz i love how you eat bread and cheese and of course manna biscuits. (:

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