Wednesday, November 08, 2006

i'm the newbie

Hooray for Skate! Why won't Kate run now? Is she really in love, or is she still a two-timer? Who thought they'd have to tell Kate to run away?

Who else thinks Jack is going to get off the island...only to get to the main one? And why does he want off so badly? What does he have to go home to?

I'm excited about Locke being on a mission again...I was tired of his moping and trying to steal Claire.

Who's the Jacob that made the list? Is it 'He'? And/or the one-eyed man?

Why was no one around when Jack got out of his cell? It seemed kinda planned, to let Jack think he had some control I think...especially because Alex seems to trust Ben, and we trust Alex, right? Which brings us to...who trusts Juliet?

It will be hard to wait until February...

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