Wednesday, October 25, 2006

"Every Man for Himself" synopsis

"Sawyer discovers just how far his captors will go to thwart any plans of escape he and Kate might have, and Jack is called upon to scrub up in order to save the life of one of the Others. Meanwhile, Desmond’s behavior begins to perplex the survivors when he starts construction on an unknown device."
~ Lostpedia

i know, i've been quiet. See, two eps ago i didn't get to watch again and write a review (though i do have it on video). Last ep i stayed at work during my "lunch" to watch the ep but missed parts due to conversations and the soda machine making so much noise that i couldn't really hear and then it turned out that my VCR didn't record it. i've borrowed a copy of the Locke epi but haven't had time to watch any of it yet. i have been soooo busy with school and work. Don't get me wrong, the semester is going reasonably well and i love my new job, but i really don't have a surplus of free time. i have something that demands my time seven days a week.

But i am super excited about tonight's episode. In fact, i am probably more excited about tonight than i was to see the season premier. Crazy, huh? But then, i am a really big Skater. i think that it's finally here!

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