Stupid, stupid, stupid, Kristi, why do you keep going back to this game? It's been about a month since your last membership expired, why are you so quickly going back?!?
Well because for some reason i miss it. I want to finish up on Loremaster. I miss leveling, exploring all that Azeroth has to offer. I miss the good old days, but even after the cataclysm i just cannot bear to be away from friendly dragons, and Sneaux (the primary pet my hunter uses), and the fact that this is the only area of my life where i can make a goal, reach it, overcome problems, etc.
I feel stupid, and i know i don't have time to be anything more than a casual, but dang it i've been sucked in again if only for a little while.
ETA: In case you're wondering how far away i am from Loremaster, it basically comes down to needing to finish a mere two zones Eastern Kingdom, two in Northrend, two zones in Pandaria, three zones in Outland, and eight zones in Kalimdor. I feel a teensy bit upset by EK and Kal because i did most of the quests in those zones pre-achievements, but their quest counters were reset in the Cataclysm and now have to do all of the new quests in these zones. Had i had more foresight i would have finished all of those zones off pre-Cata, though i didn't have the money for a subscription at the time of the pre-xpac events, so that's probably the biggest reason why it didn't happen. I didn't come to Cat until a couple of months later, while with Wrath and MoP i was on shortly after midnight on launch day.
Last night i worked on the Cape of Stranglethorn. I had been given credit for Northern Stranglethorn when in reality i did all of the quests in the old Stranglethorn and have only done 18 quests in new N Stranglethorn (mostly ZG and that chains for the panther cub and hatchling, i suspect) and had done none in the Cape on Luinel (which is my oldest character so i figure will be the easiest to finsih with). So i was killing a lot of pirates yet again. Fortunately it was an okay quest chain and i was listening to Ender's Game.
Right now i am starting to quest in Searing Gorge which i haven't really quested in since before Wrath. I know that i did some quests here during BC and my initial leveling, back when you had to go to more than one zone of the same level range to get enough xp to ding. But i know we didn't linger there, and i doubt we came close to clearing the zone. I hate the zone's dark appearance (it seems ironic that Sungrass grows there) and never really saw the point in it. I've never learned how to smelt Dark Iron, i don't know if there's even a use for it anymore. I usually only came here as a ghost and then ran back to dungeons or raids under BRM.
I suspect i will have finished EK off tonight and will then go to polish off OL, where there are three zones with an average of eight quests left for me to complete. I'm not sure if i will go to Northrend or Pandaria next but i suspect i will save Kalimdor for last. But i expect to have this all done within a fairly short amount of time. I've already been working on it without really trying too hard for a long time.
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