Some things that i've read and seen recently have helped put things into perspective.
- The game has lost its sense of adventure. Progression is meant to happen through getting better gear which enables you to tackle harder content. This better gear + content getting easier every couple of weeks nonsense is ridiculous. The content no longer has any meaning because if you wait a month or two it will be easy even if you don't upgrade your gear. Epic fail.
- The culture is doing it wrong...mediocrity is praised while excellence is detested.
- The hunter class still feels gutted and amputated. My playing has suffered over the past two expansions and i no longer feel capable or skilled. Nothing makes sense anymore.
- Garrosh is alive and the Horde is being destroyed...too close to real life for my taste.
- I'm bored with it. Normally i adore doing heroics, but lately it feels like driving an ice pick through my skull. Scenarios are pointless (might be better with new patch, but i'm not holding my breath).
- My net is insufficient (too slow) unless i'm home alone and very lucky.
- Except my one friend, no one cares that i'm in the guild. I do not feel welcome, i don't know anyone except one guy from my original guild, there is no sense of camaraderie or belonging. All my attempts to socialize are ignored.
- I am always broke in game. Many dailies seem too difficult (killing monkeys in two different zones being chiefly on my mind), take too long, and have very little reward.
- I have no time to play. I work "part time" but it feels like it's full time and i am poor, exhausted, and feel like logging in is a waste of valuable time.
- Professions seem more difficult and more expensive than ever. And with the new is incredibly difficult to even be able to craft.
- Honor is incredibly hard to get now. I have gone into multiple bgs and have like 300 hp to my name. I have no idea where to buy new PVP gear and can't afford it anyway. It seems my old gear is now useless.
- Pet battles are boring. The content i want to experience is unobtainable. Farming for whelps and mounts for years has been not nearly as successful as it feels like it should have been. I will never have enough gold to buy what i want off the BMAH.
I won't say that i'm quitting forever...i've tried to do that before but always come back. I am saying that there is zero incentive for me to keep playing right now. I don't even give a care about raiding in the current environment. I never got to experience the last expansion's content really, at least not to my satisfaction, and the entire point is to spend time with people that i like and who like me. I wouldn't mind extreme soloing but it doesn't feel obtainable right now. Unless i find someone or ones to play with in an adult, respectful, fun manner...there is no reason for me to ever come back. Blizzard has made it abundantly clear that they could care less about my opinion or experience (which has been horrible of late). So i am stepping away indefinitely. D3 and MoP both feel like duds and i feel cheated. I have a couple weeks of play payed up yet, so i'm sure i'll try out the new patch (haven't had the chance yet, i'm working 9-10 hour shifts), but i do not have high hopes for it.